Project: Ithica


Most of the enemies in the game will be A.I (Excluding things like the Sh4dow clan, and the Raiders, etc, which you can choose to be if you wish). The enemies of the game will attack you, and some will not. it depends on if the enemy is hostile or not. Default enemies will have a level (going from 1 to 500), and depending on how your skills are, you can see on your character page which levels are best recommended for you, and which kind of enemies you should avoid. Most enemies will respawn.



There will be two different kind of dueling, you can choose between Friendly Duel, and Hostile Duel.  Friendly duel is two characters fight and the loser is knocked out for 2 minutes, no harm done.  and then there are the Hostile Duels, this is the scary duel. two characters fight, you must at least be 365 days old, if you lose, you die, your character is taken off the game permanently. this is to retain the "Role play" element of the game. that is why we recommend not hostile dueling, unless you are sure that you can win.  and we recommend not doing this if you are trying to be good. unless you have no choice and they force you into it. when you win a hotile duel, you get everything they were carrying and the key to their safe(for what they had stored away). You however dont get items from their bloodline.[ex. if certain requirments are met, you can summon God weapons and armor.]

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